The climate change project

For the last few months, I have been reading a lot about the effects of climate change. How it is at least partially responsible for the horrific civil war in Syria, for the bleaching of the beautiful coral reefs, how it is causing severe water shortages and droughts in California, parts of India; climate change is upon us. If we do not act yesterday, the future for our older self and our children looks very bleak.

What have any of us done to combat climate change? Most of us have done nothing. The best of us might have gone on a few nature conservation walks, signed a few petitions, segregate waste at our homes. I was never among them, but I always wanted to see how people can be pushed or urged to save the environment. That got me to start “The climate change project”. How can normal working people save the environment? How can we lessen our carbon footprint? How to make this a conscious and deliberate behaviour? Most of all, how to make it fun?

After quite a bit of thought, I have designed, what I think, is a basic solution to this problem. I believe that combating climate change shouldn’t be left to government policy. It should start with every one of us. The first step in engaging the public to solve climate change is feedback. A number showing how all of us impact the environment. Further details on the CI (Carbon Impact) metric in the next post. In the meantime, like our page: “” and see how you can save the environment and have fun at the same time!