Small learnings of an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is about small wins. The big wins come very rarely. There’s a very small chance that you’re going to get a big win as an entrepreneur, that’s the risk that most entrepreneurs take. There’s always going to be losses, bad days, hence it’s very important to celebrate the small wins – a good hire, a complement from a client, landing a new client. In my case, it was coming in the top 5 cryptocurrencies by % gain in the world on 23rd April 2018 as well as the top cryptocurrency on the Bancor network on 23rd April 2018. This is a small win in the grand scheme of things, but every small win has to be celebrated. In my case, it was having a cold beer on a warm summer night such as today.

There have been many challenges, and there are always going to be challenges, but what I’ve learned is to always celebrate and share the small wins with friends and family, as it doesn’t come often :).